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Ana Buitrón is a Spanish photographer originally from San Sebastián (Pais Vasco), but resident in Malaga since he was 8 years old. Self-taught, she discovered photography at 17, falling in love with photography in black and white. Ana specializes in portrait and craft processes of film development and black and white printing. During those beginnings and to this day it has not stopped forming and evolve in photography. In 1999, She opened her photography studio, which he manages to date. In the year 2001, after participating in the FEPFI qualification contest (Spanish Professional Federation of Photography and Image) two of her works are granted with merit, giving rise to being included in the FEPFI honor book of that year, and subsequently being selected for the nominations to the Goya Photography awards. Ana currently combines his most commercial side based on different services Inside the studio picture http: // www. anabuitron.com/, with its facet more artistic Narrative Photography, where he combines selfportraits with poems and short stories that materialize in Ana BuitrónART. Ana Buitrón is the founder of the artistic project Ana Buitrón Art, with which She intends to make known her photographic work. Ana Buitrón Art is a project photographic self-portraits inspired by poems, dreams and historical figures. Currently her photographic work of high artistic and artistic quality, is represented by the prestigious gallery "Excellence Art Gallery" (Marbella).
• 7 / June ARAGÓN Art Gallery 232. Barcelona.
• 6 / April Art gallery Santana Art Gallery. Madrid

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